As I write this, I am gazing out my window, looking out over my attempts at a little vegetable/fruit/flower garden, and I have to wonder… did I really just get lucky with my Indianapolis garden…Is Florida too hot for lettuce…who or what is eating the tomato flowers…same question for the baby blue, straw and raspberries…what is the deal with me and watermelon plants… will I ever run into that big black snake that slithered from the garage into the garden…okay..Enough!  On with the Newsletter…

I was flipping around the TV channels and saw a contestant vying for attention, dressed up as a Rubik’s Cube.  Wow!  Blast from the past!  But then I got to thinking…That Cube is like our Life Choices… Each twist and turn leads to a different path.  It’s easy to see how we can get way off track.  So many of us just give up in frustration and never make it to completion or fruition.  So what helps us when we get so twisted and off track that we want to give up?  I think it is remembering your “Why” and finding a way to work back to that “Why”.  So what if you don’t have a “Why”…uh,oh…no – don’t worry.  You have a “Why” but you just haven’t fully realized it yet…

D and I took our annual Mecca back to Indianapolis at the end of June.  We were able to connect with friends and family.  I was particularly excited to witness the dreams of Brenda G. and her beautiful and unique gift shop (she doesn’t have a website yet but she is on Facebook).  Her shop is called Sassy Butterflies and is one of the coolest, wackiest, colorful, happy places I’ve been to.   Very unusual stuff (you should see her Shoe-delier – on FB) and very reasonable prices!   The point is, talking to Brenda and taking the tour, you could see the light shine from her soul as she explained her various rooms and purposes.  Now you know opening a shop takes a bunch of courage and I highly commend her for it! It is evident she knows her “Why” – In fact, writing this makes me realize I can share her dream by helping her on my own FB page – so feel free to look up my coaching page for the Shoe-delier!  Second point – we can all help each other with our dreams.

Independence Day – America’s Independence from the Tyranny of British Rule… Independence Day can also be maybe our own personal independence, right?  Independence doesn’t mean you have to be alone or without help – it means – at least to me – that you have the right or really the obligation to do what is right for you…to be independent from the slings and slights of “Others” opinions and to conquer our own inner Tyranny that holds us back.  Our right to our own “In-Power-Meant”!  Figuring out your “Why” or why you do the work that you do or maybe you could call that “Your Purpose” makes the strength against internal and external tyranny that much stronger – thus easier to “battle.”  (Every time I use the word “Battle” I picture and hear John Travolta as the Angel Micheal…”Ba-Tul!”)

As a reminder, we have started Your SuCCess Circle (Monthly Membership for Success), which includes a monthly call and more… And this month the call will be at 10:30 am ET – which is 9:30 am CT – on Saturday,  July 16th.  We will run the two for one special again this month, which means – you can sign up with a friend.  We are keeping the sessions small and intimate so if we need to, we will open a second session.  So this is the time for you to explore your “Why” or maybe even your “What”…safely with the support of other like-minded folks.  For more details – see below.

One more thing… one of the neat things that came from visiting Brenda’s Sassy Butterflies is the fact that one of her rooms may be used as a “get-away” or a type of sanctuary for people to come relax, hide-out, whatever… I have also had that dream to have a place for folks to be able to escape to – complete with nourishing books and treats… What that says to me is that so many of us have some great ideas and dreams that we hide inside ourselves.  Maybe if we just work up a bit of courage to share, we may find others that have the same dreams and we may be able to help each other achieve them!  What do you think?  Amazing things can happen when we connect!

See you down the trail!


Are you in need of support on your journey to success? We have two low-cost ways to get started!

Learn about the SuCCess Producing Planner System here, designed to help you keep moving forward with confidence and compassion – by reminding you to be grateful for what you have and to celebrate and be inspired each day, as you record your wins and challenges, your task list, your goals and more.

Check out our monthly membership for success here, Your SuCCess Circle a low-cost way to experience the benefits of coaching – support and accountability to help you achieve your goals!

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Musings from the Independence Day Holiday …

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