When It Rains, Look for the Rainbow! By Janus Moncur – The Co-Creative Coach™ One of the weird and wonderful things about living in Florida is the sudden rain showers. I’ll never forget driving along I-95 and seeing a dark
Is Your Life Passion Driven? Do you Dare to Dream? Really? Time to Throw out the Yeah, Buts!
In this uncertain economic time, there is one thing that you can rely on – that tiny spark inside you that lingers – that wish or fantasy in the back of your mind still resides – unfilled dream still waits
You Do Not Have to Conquer the Doubt Demons, Fear Fences and Paralyzing Plateaus Alone…Even the Lone Ranger had his Side-Kick, Tonto
Ever feel happiness and hope after making the decision to make a change, transition or re-creation – only to fall back into the quicksand of your situation? Do you ever find yourself fired up after a seminar or conference –
Purpose Driven Life Coaching
When is the last time you really took a minute to THINK ? Did you think about yourself or only about everyone else? We get caught up in our daily lives – work, family, friends, chores, associates, commitments… We rush