So many of us fall into our daily lives – meaning – we just latch onto something we think we should do rather than have the courage to pursue something we really want to do. Just because you have talents or skills for a particular job – doesn’t mean you must toil at that or that you will be successful at that. You must also have “heart” or passion for it as well. (Remember Neil Diamond’s “Heart-Light”).
To be truly great at something, you must proceed with passion.
We hear so much about power – coming into one’s power- being powerful – empowerment – particularly when it comes to women. Hilary Clinton was said to use “soft-power” in her political persuasions. To me – it is a taking of control or command of our lives (In-Power) to do the things we were really (Meant) to do – the things we have passion for. I think of empowerment as “In-Power-Meant.”
What you are meant to do is something only you really know.
Again, you can have all the talent and skill in the world to be an attorney, an accountant, or whatever, but if your heart is yearning for something different or your gut pulls you toward something else, you will never be truly happy until you at least try your “thing.” Once you try it and take ownership of it – the feeling of sheer joy and exhilaration will signal your “In-Power-Meant.”
So how do you find what you are Meant to do? Some folks are tuned into it from a very early age. Those are the folks that you hear talk about always knowing – and I envy them. Many folks take various personality and aptitude tests in school to let them know what careers they are most “well-suited” for. Many of us have a vague idea what type of vocations resonate with us but aren’t convinced or aren’t sure how to get there. Most of us need to start out on our journeys toward where we think we want to go but also utilize flex-power to allow for detours or direction changes as we investigate interesting trails along the way.
We need to let ourselves explore, discover, and research our options to find our true trail path.
That’s okay. Life isn’t a sprint – it’s a wonderful journey. Part of what makes us ultimately successful and happy is the lessons we conquer along the way that may guide us through those challenges or situations that we really Do Not want to face. One of the best ways to figure out your In-Power-Meant is to take time to “listen” to your own Heart-Light. Your best guide is deep inside you. Other people, personality tests, assessment tests, all can give you ideas and options, but the one who truly knows you – is you. You just have to have the courage to trust yourself and to seek the support and guidance that can help you get where you want to go.
So when we are on our journey and find ourselves having to force our way through a dense thicket or find ourselves really struggling with a major challenge – stop and do a gut-check – turn on your Heart-Light. Is this challenge something worth conquering? Do I really want what is on the other side or is this a tired old horse better let out to pasture while I switch out to a new fresh mount that intrigues me (a great example is my own career in real estate)… Only you really know and only you can do what it takes to come into your In-Power-Meant.
It may be a bit scary and take some courage – but the ride is worth it!
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Learn about the SuCCess Producing Planner System here, designed to help you keep moving forward with confidence and compassion – by reminding you to be grateful for what you have and to celebrate and be inspired each day, as you record your wins and challenges, your task list, your goals and more.
Check out our monthly membership for success here, Your SuCCess Circle … a low-cost way to experience the benefits of coaching – support and accountability to help you achieve your goals!