We hear so much about “Overnight Success” but if we look closely we realize there is a chain of events that goes way back to create that success.
And the chain – or journey – was not a straight shot usually.
What often happens is the Successful Person has to invoke a lot of Flex-Power. Flex-Power comes from working and watching horses. The most successful horses – the ones that are considered the best in their particular events – are the ones that have learned to flex at their poll (top of the head between the ears) and give to their rider’s guidance. Where this is most evident is watching the truly amazing Lipizzaner Stallions with their beautiful arched necks and ballet-like movements. Now, I’m not saying you have to go out and buy a bridle and throw a piece of steel in your mouth – really. Flex-Power is more of a “give” or flexibility in action. Another example is the beautiful video of the horse and rider that execute the flawless reining pattern – in front of a huge audience – to music – but WITHOUT a saddle OR bridle. (I still tear up thinking about it.)
That horse is “listening” to his rider through the use of gentle cues that come from the rider’s weight shifts and leg pressures.
We need to be more like horses. We need to learn to “listen.” We need to learn to utilize our own “Flex-Power” to be able to bend our paths and give when we should. When our “little voice” is trying to tell us something, it would be a good idea to listen.
We have to become efficient at distinguishing warning bells from timidity.
We need to become efficient at distinguishing comfort or laziness from experiencing cold feet. For example, we may be presented with an opportunity and immediately reject it without exploring it because we think we shouldn’t or don’t want to participate but really, we are just afraid for some reason. Or we are really too comfortable, or yes…lazy…to grow. Sounds harsh? Ever have the experience of hearing about something and realizing you had an idea or a chance that was similar and you didn’t take it?
Ever look back on a situation and want to kick yourself for not going for it?
What held you back? Likely fear or laziness…boy, I hate when that happens! The wonderful news is that it’s not too late!
If you are breathing, you can still work toward your dreams.
You may find you need to modify your goals somewhat but wouldn’t you still be happier than if you don’t? Why reach the end of your life and look back with regret?
Someone at a seminar this weekend said, “None of us are getting any younger…and we are older than when we entered the room this morning.” Instead of hearing that statement as a depressing remark, just think, if you were working toward something, you’d just be that much closer to success!
Happy Trails! And Tally Ho!