I have a confession… one of my favorite movies is the one with Reese Witherspoon (‘Legally Blonde’) as the sorority socialite who gets into Harvard Law only to try to recapture her Ex-boyfriend… Warner, I think. The movie opens up with an upbeat little tune called “Perfect Day” (Rolfe Kent) and Reese being treated like a princess as this is her big day; she believes Warner is going to propose… OK, the point is – for “Reese” at that time, her perfect day was getting ready to obtain her goal of becoming Mrs. Warner. And when that did not work out quite as planned, she cried but got over it and attacked her plan from another direction. She applied her time and energy into getting into Harvard Law. The neat thing is that “Reese” showed us that she could make herself succeed and worked through incredible odds to make it happen. But in the end, she conquered much grander goals that she had never even thought about before (and also figured out that Warner was a Non-Desirable and dropped him).
See where I’m going with this?
Sometimes we think we know what we want but is it really?
Or is it really what is expected of us? And if we actually allowed ourselves to dream big, what would emerge? So, I invite you to ask yourself a few questions and see what emerges…
- If I could do anything, what would that be?
- If 10 Million dollars dropped in my lap in the next moment, what would I do first?
- If I only had a week to live, what would I do with that week?
- If I could choose to do anything every single day for the next year, what would that be?
- What would my Perfect Day be like?