This system was developed as a collaboration between Anne Barton (Super CVA Extraordinaire) and myself. We both use the system and have added pieces over time that have made it better and more complete and keep us moving on our own journeys, as we take the small steps or giant leaps of faith that are required with any personal growth process.
The Planner System can be used as you see fit – you can use as much or as little of it as you feel you need. But it is designed to help you keep moving forward with confidence and compassion – by reminding you to be grateful for what you have and to celebrate and be inspired each day. The system includes a Monthly Calendar page, a Daily Planner page, a Weekly Review page and a Monthly Review page, providing places to record your wins and challenges, your task list, your goals and more. In addition, lined and unlined journal pages are included for note taking or doodling whenever the mood or inspiration strikes you.
The pages are available for download and come in a 8½” by 11″ format, so they are perfect for a three ring binder or clipboard – supporting however you work best. Or, try printing 2 pages to one sheet of paper! The SuCCess Producing Planner System usually retails for $39 but to help you jumpstart your success in 2012, we are providing you with the first 6 months of 2012 for free. This is a limited time offer!
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Buy the system for the full year at a reduced rate of $19.99