I’ve been thinking about my last article for LovePetz – the one inspired by my dog trainer Barbara about helping your dog to be successful – and I realized how well the concept applies to our own lives and businesses. So I decided to rewrite the article to show how well these same tips can work for us. You would do this for your dog, right? So why not do the same for yourself?

Here are Six Tips for Success for You and Your Work:

1. Take on the Right Vocation in the First Place!

Just like I said before, different breeds have different needs. If you are the type that loves to talk to people and prefers to be out and about in your community, then maybe a desk job as an accountant might not be the best fit for a vocation for you. There are so many assessment and personality tests and books to help you figure out what type of career would be best for you. It helps the day go faster and happier if you love what you do!

2. Start with Positive Molding Immediately!

So many times we go into a new venture with a less than stellar state of mind. We give a half-hearted attempt promising to really try once things start getting better financially, personally, economically or whatever. I had one associate tell me that she wanted to try a project but did not want to invest in it until she was certain she could make it work because of how slow things were in the economy and how no one wants to spend any money for anything…Ummm… Do you see the problem here? The person running the project does not have much confidence or faith in the project, how do you expect others will respond?

3. Tempt with the Right Treat!

Like I said in my dog article, some dogs are motivated by praise and affection and some work best for the better biscuit. This is true for us as well. Figure out your “Why” and keep that in mind as you strive toward your goals.

This also applies to your business. Figure out who your clients or customers are and find out what treat or product or service would best serve them!

4. Help Yourself be the Best _______ You Can Be!

Want to be a writer? Want to be a massage therapist? Want to be a real estate salesperson? Whatever you want to be, get help! Just because you may be in business for yourself doesn’t mean you have to do it all by yourself! Get additional training, talk to others in your field, attend workshops or teleseminars, network with groups, find a mentor or coach, and be open to new ideas. You don’t have to go it alone. Make it easier and more fun for yourself! Instead of recreating everything from scratch, consider asking for help and acquiring samples and tools that can help your business flourish faster.

5. Create a Regular Routine!

Dogs love routine. Many of us do as well. Having a regular routine can make success easier to accomplish. Have a difficult time getting up in the morning? Set your alarm but also have a good reason to get out of bed – maybe it is that wonderful cup of coffee that you set up to have brewed and waiting for you. Or maybe it is that cute little puppy that needs to get outside before he has an accident in the house. Have systems set up for yourself. I take a bunch of vitamins but dislike the hassle of opening all the bottles and loading up the right ones morning and night day after day. So instead, I fill up two weeks worth of vitamins in a pill reminder case. Easy peasy! So now I don’t skip.

I have also made it a habit to keep my planner pages with me wherever I am. I have a big bag that I carry and I take my planner pages and my journal as well as my little Gateway notepad so I can work wherever I am. This is especially great for times you need to wait for others or you need to kill time between appointments! When I have my home office with me, I am not caught unprepared to give out my business card or to book an impromptu meeting or event. I also do not have to think and struggle so much to remember where or when things are. It becomes automatic!

6. Provide a Positive Place!

So many times we are pulled away from our work, asked to do things when we really need to finish something else we are working on, or distracted by others around us. Like Virginia Woolf said, one must have her own room. To really be serious about your work, you need to have a place to call your own and to be able to shut the door and shut out distractions. It should be a pleasant place that you feel good about being in. My place is a second bedroom where I have all my office equipment and books. I also have my vision boards in eye-shot above my desk and plenty of plants on the huge picture window ledge. The dog food and water is in here, along with a multitude of pillows so the dogs and I feel comfortable here. I can also plop into the pillow pile to read and snuggle with dogs when I want to. I have a door to close when I need to have privacy for myself or my clients or for the times I need to be able to get inside my head to bring out the gifts inside there.

So consider treating yourself at least as well as you treat your furry companions – especially if you have a project or professional path you want to follow! You owe yourself that!

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Set Yourself Up for Success
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