We are assaulted by all types of media telling us how to be more successful and what we should be doing to be a success.
How do they know?
Sure money may be used as a gauge for success but only if money is important to the one that holds it. Don’t get me wrong… money is important to be able to allow one choices, so it is important as a tool – at least in my opinion. But money for the sake of money isn’t success as far as I’m concerned. So what about for you?
What do you think success is?
We see and hear so many tragic stories about folks that seem to have it all only to find out that they are actually miserable. Or those that have all the money they could possibly want only to find out that they have contracted an incurable disease. Some people point to those stories and say “See! That’s why I don’t want to become successful… or have a ton of money! It brings bad things!” I disagree. I think it is the choices that were made with that money. Maybe the miserable person was miserable before he had money. Maybe he was a negative person or became negative and pushed others around or away. Or maybe the person that became ill helped cause his demise by pigging out on the wrong foods or by doing or ingesting other less than healthy habits that helped to cause his disease.
What would be better, maybe, is to take the cautionary tales as great tips on what NOT to do and vow to do things the right way.
We need to look at what success means to each of us.
Is it to be wildly wealthy so we can drive exotic cars and wear beautiful clothes? OK, if that would make you happy, great! Maybe you have a dream and making this dream come to fruition would be the ultimate success for you. Or would it be so you could have the freedom to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, with the folks you want to spend your time with? That sounds awesome!
I believe, and this may sound really simplistic, if we strive to be happy and are, without hurting anyone else, then we are a success. So maybe what we really need to decide is… What Makes Me Happy? And figure out how to make that happen. What do you think?