Ever feel happiness and hope after making the decision to make a change, transition or re-creation – only to fall back into the quicksand of your situation?

Do you ever find yourself fired up after a seminar or conference – only to lose all hope and drive after just a few days later?

Doubt Demons and Fear Fences seem to just wait to spring up as we summons the courage to make a major decision or change in our lives. To admit our true feelings – to realize our real purpose, which is key to happiness and success – only to feel thwarted by the insecurities that surface – can be emotionally and physically paralyzing.

Ever feel as if you really are trying to move forward but feel stuck? Don’t you find that it is when we feel stuck that the real fear and doubt seem to move into our heads and take up shop?

Ever feel as if you are so weak or overwhelmed that you imagine your dreams swirling around the sink – slipping down the drain?

Beginning a journey is not the only time Doubt and Fear can try to block our path.  Along our ride toward our dreams and desires, it is natural to hit a plateau. This plateau may be misinterpreted to mean we are done with our journey – as far as we can hope to go – nothing more to do but what we are currently doing – and IT has stopped working! Our forward movement can become paralyzed. This plateau may cause some people to become doubtful or fearful of ever attaining the desired success. Many people tend to give up at this point in the ride but that is like stopping a project one step short of success. It is similar to giving up just before hitting that vein of gold.

The pressure we may feel from the doubt demons in our head and the other less than encouraging people around us assist our fears to throw up seemingly insurmountable fences. It can feel overwhelming to fight. But face it and fight through it we must.

Ever wake up and want to go back to sleep because you didn’t want to face the day?

Ever utter a positive affirmation – only to feel your stomach seize up and hear doubt demons start snarking in your head?

Sometimes it feels as if we are fighting ourselves – the whole world or both. So do not consider quitting – you may be just getting to the really good stuff! But realize that a fence or plateau is actually an opportunity for growth. It is a fear fence that challenges us to stretch and conquer and the paralyzing plateau that indicates the time in which we need to take a breather, evaluate and rededicate.

Our Success depends on how we manage these doubts, fears and plateaus!

Ever wonder in frustration – How can I ever get through all the challenges? How can I succeed?

Enlist SUPPORT! Support is the strong backbone that gives us added strength when we need it. And everyone needs support at times. Asking for support is NOT a sign or weakness.

Loved ones and friends? The unfortunate truth is that in most cases, our loved ones and friends unintentionally- or maybe intentionally – accentuate these negative feelings. These people likely love you and don’t want to see you hurt or disappointed. It is possible that some people in your environment may be jealous and rather not see you succeed. These people may be made to feel worse about their own lack of ambition or courage. It is easier for the folks around us to accept the same old person we’ve always been.

Support Groups? Support groups can be helpful but many are not. Sometimes the group will feed on their doubts, fears as well as lament about their plateaus – thus creating more fear and doubt. The participants in a support group are there for their own challenges – not necessarily to focus on and support YOU.

Seminars and Conferences? Seminars and conferences are fantastic! They are great tools for new ideas and networking. They can even give you a boost in energy and rededication. The only downside is that the boost does not regenerate forever. Consistent – continuous support is needed for major lasting change.

So how do we face the scary challenge and move forward?

Find YOUR Side-Kick. The Lone Ranger had Tonto – Batman had Robin – Even Tiger Woods turns to his Caddy.

Your Coach is your Side Kick for Success!! Focused Unconditional Support is why having your own coach can be crucial for your journey. Your coach’s mission is to listen, respect, support and move you forward toward the very goals that you seek. Our sole focus is YOU! We are here to help you successfully conquer those doubt demons, fear fences and paralyzing plateaus. We’ll saddle up and ride along with you every step of the way! Yee Haa!

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Janus  Moncur – The Co-Creative Coach(TM)- is a Certified Professional Coach  specializing in Career and Success  Strategies.  Janus is the CEO and Founder of Co-Creative Coaching, LLC. She works with individuals as well as groups to define direction, conquer challenges, and navigate transitions on the ride toward re-creating one’s personal and professional success. For more information or a free sample consultation session, please feel free to connect with Janus at www.theco-creativecoach.com.
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You Do Not Have to Conquer the Doubt Demons, Fear Fences and Paralyzing Plateaus Alone…Even the Lone Ranger had his Side-Kick, Tonto

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