Wow! 2011! A new year! This is one of my favorite times of the year! A clean slate! A time of renewed energy and commitment. A time to review our goals and dreams! A time to decide how to move forward toward those dreams. I like to do a quick overview of the lessons I learned from the previous year to be able to add them to my saddlebag of tools for the future.
2010 is over and I can say I was reminded of a valuable lesson. Life is like a trail ride… You can take hold of the reins and take control or be taken for a wild ride. Only one way gets you to where you want to be.
We may or may not realize it, but all of us are the Entrepreneurs of our Own Lives!
Time marches on and we all have the same amount in a day. The way we choose to spend that time dictates the progress we will make with our dreams and desires. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but the great difference between successful folks and those of us who remain on the sidelines is the use of our time.
We can’t wait until we have everything perfect before we go for our dreams. We tend to prefer that, once we have control of everything in our lives and everything is in place and everyone around us is happy and satisfied with their lives, THEN we can move forward with our own plans. I hate to admit this, but I tend to slip into this mode myself… but then I have to remind myself that I can only control myself and make decisions for myself. I can’t control time but can control what I do with it. I cannot resolve situations for everyone and everything and stuff happens that is beyond my control. I can only make my own decisions and do what I can do, in spite of the stuff going on around me.
The situation may be less than perfect for what I want or think I need to achieve my wildest dreams, but that doesn’t mean I cannot take action toward them.
For instance, in the role of a caregiver, I may need to stay available for the unexpected and remain watchful to take necessary action. I may not be able to maintain my own appointments without interruption or re-scheduling, but I am able to steal time to work on other aspects of my dreams and desires. Maybe I work on my writing, jot out goals for the next week, or read about a subject of interest. My point is – If you have a dream or desire, please don’t wait for everything to be in perfect order before taking action toward it. You will be waiting forever and it will pass you by. That is such a sad situation to find oneself in. It truly breaks my heart. I’d rather experience the joy and inspiration of witnessing someone overcome obstacles to obtain that desired success. Just like how we love watching those great movies with the happy endings.
So how do you resolve to use 2011? Are you going to take hold of the reins or let yourself be taken for a ride? Are you going to push forward or sit back and waste another year?
I suggest not taking time for granted, as it has a way of getting away from us unless we use it wisely.
My wish for you is that you decide to make 2011 your year! It takes a decision – that is the first step. If you would like to share your resolutions, I would love to listen.
Tally Ho and Cheers to Your Success!