When is the last time you really took a minute to THINK ?
Did you think about yourself or only about everyone else?
We get caught up in our daily lives – work, family, friends, chores, associates, commitments… We rush from one appointment to another…We deal with the endless lists of To-Dos…We hardly have any time to spend with our loved ones, let alone taking time to contemplate…We usually fall into bed exhausted and praying for a good night’s sleep to get up and do it all again…
WELL STOP ! Just for 3 minutes! No, really – STOP!
Take a Deep Breath – Close your Eyes – Contemplate my Question to YOU!
“If you could do, have or be anything in this life – money and time not presenting a challenge – WHAT WOULD THAT BE FOR YOU?”
I look forward to your answers.
(When’s the last time someone took the time to REALLY LISTEN to YOU?)
Thank you for participating!
Cheers to Your SuCCess! – Janus Moncur – The Co-Creative Coach™