Success really is simple. Okay, really? Absolutely. Success is simple.
I’m not promising easy, just simple.
It merely takes three simple steps in a system set up for success.
Decide – Make a Decision
Act – Take Inspired Action toward your Dream
Commit – Commit to achieving the ultimate outcome you desire.
The steps are simple but there is a catch… AHA! I knew it! There is always a catch! Sure, otherwise everyone would consider themselves successful and how many actually believe they have achieved their dreams?
The catch is – Commitment!
You can make all the decisions you want and take all the inspired action you can think of, but if you haven’t committed to yourself and your dream, then frankly, it won’t happen. You must have commitment throughout the process – you must stay committed while working through your system. But what do I mean by commitment?
Commitment is the cornerstone of success. Commitment requires commitment to yourself, as well as your dream and plan.
Commitment consists of the three C’s for SuCCess – Conviction, Courage, and Compassion.
Conviction is important because you must believe in what you are doing to do it well and to be successful. Ever try to sell or promote something that made you uncomfortable or you felt less than proud of? Ever find yourself excited about some product or purpose only to have that excitement fizzle when you found out more about it? I think of someone I know who was so happy to be working at the local veterinarians office only to run across the deceased pets kept in the deep freezer awaiting processing. Her ideals and illusions of working in the vet’s office shattered and she lost all desire to be there.
Don’t you find it easier to allow yourself to be connected with that which you believe in?
Courage is an important part of commitment because courage is necessary to proceed forward through fears and perceived challenges.
Courage is not a lack of fear. It is the ability to work through in spite of the fear.
It may be easier to live without courage – to hide away from the things that make us uncomfortable… but is that really living? The thrills of life come from doing the things we may not feel 100% confident in doing. There is an element of risk. Conquering the risk is exhilarating. Maybe that risk is jumping out of a perfectly good airplane and living to talk about it. Or maybe that risk is making a follow-up phone call and encountering possible rejection, but making the call anyway and making a connection with the person on the other end of the line.
Compassion is the third leg of the tripod of commitment because compassion is a necessary skill to develop to ensure success.
We must have compassion for others and ourselves.
We must have compassion for ourselves when we are less than perfect, when we make mistakes. I remember times of quitting projects or activities that I wasn’t instantly fabulous at. I never even gave myself a chance to learn. I expected immediate expertise. We need to refrain from beating ourselves up, or risk impeding forward progress. As one of my wise friends likes to say, “Get over it!” That is exactly what we have to do to grow and progress. We must have compassion for others, as well. Not everyone is ready for what you have to say or is in the most ideal situation to be able to focus on your message or product. Don’t feel upset and rejected – understand their lack of acceptance likely has nothing to do with you. It may be that this person is dealing with other matters that demand a priority position in their life at the moment. Strive for compassion for this person. Leave the door open to allow for a connection later on.
So while riding along on your trail ride of life and realizing your own dreams and desires as a Life-Entrepreneur, remember the basics: Decide, Act, Commit and always remember to call on your Courage, Conviction, and Compassion to ensure a successful journey!
Tally Ho and Cheers to YOUR Success!